
Friday, April 15, 2011

Epic Adventure Log:

So, ventured into the Lava Lake National Monument or whatever I labeled that damned place as, and wound up getting my ass killed dead again by another skele that plunked me into the lava.


For a fresh outlook on life, took the last of my iron and diamonds and made new armor, tools, and set off into a new mine tunnel. Found some HUGE caves with what look like some certain dungeons with a lot of bad guys (probably need at least two guys to get through these, I'm thinking). Anyway, do some very light exploring into those caves but stay on the main line. Wind up breaking through into yet another cave, but this one has... torches and cobblestone? Took me a few minutes to figure out where the "way out" was, climbed my way up through a rough natural cave for a while until I got near the surface and could hear cows. Couldn't find the actual exit, and I'm thinking I'm WAY east of the castle out where no one is.. and at this point, I'm pretty lost and my confidence of getting all the way back down again without dying or turned around is next to zero, lol.

I'm feeling a little anxious because I've actually managed to score a bunch of iron and DIAMONS (holy hell, I hit an 8-diamond vein! weeeee!)

So, I break the immutable law of Minecraft. I start digging up without knowing what is above me and hope and pray I don't dig out into the bottom of the ocean, which would just be my luck. Break through and see sunlight... and some cobble and wood planks in some sort of building I'm digging out right at the edge of?

WHAT THE HELL! I dug myself out RIGHT IN THE CASTLE COURTYARD. Lolz.. I must have mined my way into the first Cave system that Eric was exploring when the Action Team server went live. Too effing funny.

Anyway, neat story. Thought I'd share :)