
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The beds are kinda funky. Try building it without anything 1 square around it, including any dropoffs. Also, it needs to be night time when you set the spawn. If you get the "leave bed" button, you did it right. I went and check out your platforms and yeah, theyre hella dangerous! :)

I found my biggest cave network yet last night and this morning. I've got some tunnels going from my underwater rooms and I broke into a huge cave that basically had every ore all over the place (except diamond which is hopefully just buried nearby.) There's lava and waterfalls down there and a bunch of obsidian. Unfortunately, when I was going around lighting the place up (it just keeps going and going) I got totally LOST and in a panic had to tunnel UP and out - broke into MORE caves (with corresponding monsters) before I finally started hearing chicken sounds and ended up... in the middle of fight island :) That was dramatic. Next time I'm going to clear that place out slowly and methodically.