
Saturday, April 02, 2011

Aww, mean joke guys, I'd love to play GURPS Gilligan's. "Iagon reaches for Ginger's sweating bosom." Anyway, I logged in for a few minutes to check out Castle Slaytanica. Very nice! Took a dive off the pool, ran down into some caves and got creeped out. I'm going to fool around with singleplayer and get my feet wet.

I actually managed to survive the first night in SP without any torches (built a high structure, dodged skeleton fire for a few minutes, then ran around avoiding spiders). This time I'll actually make some torches.

I watched the videos on the website, and they point you towards finding coal... which I absolutely can't find. Is it now inside mountains or something? Then I poked around and saw you can make a furnace which makes charcoal. I love the breadth of stuff you can craft, but you definitely need a reference, there's really no way to figure this stuff out on your own. But hey, it's Beta so that makes sense.