
Friday, March 18, 2011

To All the Spam I've Spammed Before

Not my computer, but rather my phone, or gmail itself.

I have no local email client configured, so an infection there wouldn't compromise my gmail account. One of Leslie's co-workers sent out the SAME messages from his gmail the day before, he has a Droid. I have a Droid. The Droid was pushed an update the morning after I 'sent' the email.... seems convenient.

Also, there is no record of a sent mail in either my phone, or the web. What is interesting is that it is also not sending to any contact list I have on my phone, it seems to have sent to any email address I have ever sent to from gmail, evar!

Long live the Cloud!

PS As a side note, I have been too lax in using my regular email account in the world, so I have created yet another new email junk account: thisisnotmyemailaddresseither at gmail dot com. I thought it was funny anyway.