
Thursday, March 31, 2011

OK, so here's the basic revision to the castle wall. Rood has since rebuilt Ft. Rood into a massive tower on the Southern wing, and there is now a rockin' pool party at Castle Slaytanic on the Northern wing.

The new and improved entrance to Castle Slaytanic. You can see the High Dive off to the left, and Ft. Rood on the right.

As long as you don't go land in the flaming inverted cross section of the pool, you'll survive (nervous laughter). I was getting mad vertigo / adrenaline rushes from jumping off this thing, no joke.. lol.

This may be the reason I stop using the realism texture mod... WELL HELLO THERE LITTLE GUY!

Too funny.. three zombos get stuck in the moat, jumping around for a loooong time before the sun finally killed them. It would set them on fire when they jumped, then the water would put it right out again... accumulating small bits of damage. lulz.