
Monday, March 28, 2011

love that picture Jon, that show was so friggen good! Don't know if I have any desire to watch it again anytime soon just because it was pretty heavy, but it was really some good tv. I never got through Generation Kill but I really need to give that show a try as well.

Yeah, don't grief us Art! It's just like Action Team only anyways, so we just wanna bro it out, get our duplo-on. Are you "shop-vac"? I saw someone named that came onto our server. Tried running it from work but didn't work :( Oh well, guess I'll have to solve crimes n shit.

Jon, the survival mode in Minecraft that our little server runs is so friggen addictive. I don't know why, but it just is. Night time is scary cuz horrible monsters come out and wreck shit pretty hard. I actually installed a plugin to make the days longer because 10 min days to 8 min nights was just way to stressful. Now you've got plenty of time to hiiiiide.