
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wow, Art, that sounds like an amazing job oppurtunity. But, not really knowing why your sans-job right now, maybe you're looking for something more fulfilling? I'm pretty resigned to my current job status for the near future. It's basically shit-work, but it's interesting enough and steady. I couldn't for the life of me imagine being jobless right now and trying to find something else. (I also don't have the college you guys probably have.) So, if you're able to get offers like this pretty regularly, I guess follow your gut. Sounds like a good deal but if you think you'd be miserable, than hell no.

Congrats on getting a job also Dennis!


Picked up Battlefield Bad Company 2 for the PC back during the Steam xmas sales for like $6 bucks and just recently got into playing it. I actually had it for the 360 and pretty much played it to death, but the PC community is really thriving and there's apparently a bunch of new maps n shit that I would have never seen on the xbox version. That game is like crack to me. Fuck a Call of Duty, the destructible environments of Bad Company are ridiculous. I will collapse that builing you're hiding in youcocksuckingsniper. So much fun. Also, I get to re-level up since I'm starting from scratch on the PC. I know unlockables are the WoW-style carrotonastick for shooters, but it's so fun and satisfying.

Jumped into the beta for a game called Darkspore which is pretty interesting. It's Maxis, and they basically took their Spore game and made a sort of Spore/Diablo/Torchlight hybrid. You play a god-like character who createds "heroes" that you then run through Sci-Fi dungeons. It's got 4 player co-op and pvp (which wasn't in the beta yet.) Basically click-click-click combat with WoW/Diablo style powers n shit. The loot you pick up is basically genetic mods n shit for your alien heroes. I think it might be worth buying. Gonna play some more this weekend.

In my quest to not pay for WoW, tried out Champions which is now free to play. I played through the tutorial first couple hours and it's your basic MMO stuff with Superhero dressing. The actual character creator is pretty robust and you can make some really unique heroes. Combat and quests were your standard WoW auto-atack/powers deal and collect-a-thons. Graphics and community were alright. I might continue in the future, but overall it was a very middling experience. Same with LOTR-Online and DND Online which I've tried in a last few months (also freebies). That business model is really working for those companies and I find it really interesting. I can see how if you were moderately interested in the game how easy it would be to drop a few bucks here and their for cosmetic and gameplay changes. It's crazy that these free games make MILLIONS from their item shops, and a lot of times it's just for cosmetic differences.

Working nights is still fucking shit.