
Monday, February 21, 2011

steam is the devil

i just totally impulse-bought all the Tomb Raider games for $20 bucks on Steam. It's the daily sale that ends this morning at 10am, and here I am 2:20 AM buying games from work. I gotta say, it's a pretty sweet deal.
TR: Anniversary - $2.50
TR: Legends - $5.00
TR: Underworld - $7.50
Guardians of Light - $5.00 (this is that recent Laura Croft game that's from the isometric view and 2 player co-op.)

The only one I'd played before was Underworld on the 360 a year or so ago - it was a lot of fun! So, this is cool to get the trilogy and the new arcade game for $20 bucks - add it to my sick list of unplayed Steam games. :(

I was also THIS close to getting Minecraft, Art. Luckily the minecraft site was fucking up yesterday, so didn't follow through. I'll probably get it this week though.