
Monday, February 28, 2011

Phil McKraken

fArt: Boobla Khan is an annual tradition in sunny Burlingame (just south of SFO). Awesome games and much beer drinking is usually in order. Memorial day weekend. We get together usually a day early, so the Actionteam convention is Thursday May 26th - Monday May 30th. This is often the only time all us Actionteamers (sans Ry) get together. I think this may the 8th or 9th annual for us. Get a j0rb. Do it! Oh and no insurance gigs, I think a little something in you may just die.

jr0n: I'll sous-chilidog-DM-WFRP so hard, it'll make your teeth rattle. I'm in. I also agree Dark Hosery was a bit of a mess last time. Although, PetAr did his damnedest to make it great by pushing his character beyond the extreme psionically.

also jr0n: we could get one room, one with. That would cut the up-cost down, but I am not sure even at $50/head it is worth it, plus the room key shuffle will get to be onerous. Maybe. Again, up to the AT group to vote.

Finally, "what a fucking cluster fuck it became when there were 40 neckbeards in one tiny room". Truer speak may never have been spoken by AT before. *tip the hat at Rude*

also fArt, I hope your were eating port soup with sushi bits in it. That would be epic. Worth trying one day.


Edit: jA-El, no pussing out this time. I don't want to hear in the middle of the convention, "Dude, I got sand in my 'gina and quit creaming on my ass, also I think I am in Vegas right now".