
Sunday, February 06, 2011


After one full night of playing Wow, I can't say that I'm fully addicted yet, and there are some good things and some iffy stuff. First blush:

The Good:

1. After you hit level 15, you start getting some missions/quests that are actually interesting, require a little bit of strategy and are challenging.
2. Runs very smoothly on my sorta outdated box.
3. Lots of friendly helpful players. Even once Eryk passed out from many beers, there were folks around willing to help a noob.
4. I want to play again

The Bad:

1. Gameplay is not real intuitive.
2. The minimap / quest map SUCKS and lies to you all the time.
3. Warcraft plays like a game that has been around forever and has been expanded and expanded and expanded to give its playerbase "new" features and content to keep them interested. 20 equipment slots! 1,500,001 feats, abilities, WTFBBQ's!
4. As of day 1, not going to spend $60 or whatever to keep playing (yet)

The Ugly:

1. L-Rock dry humping my character repeatedly.
2. I still want you guys to try out Minecraft and get hooked on that too.
3. Hahaha... some guy actually threw me an "A/S/L?" request. 14/f/cali, baby! LOL