
Thursday, February 03, 2011

Looks like theres a good amount of redundancies and gaps,

Tanks - Fashionista/warrior 22, Doppelbock/paladin 25
Healz - Clerica/priest 24, Mindgrapes/druid 26
DPS - Dismike/mage 23, Flanders/priest 14, Sybaris/druid 21, Rollyfingers/warlock 24
only 3 classes would be DPS/Heals, Priest, pally, and shaman, so i have a pally already, its between a Priest and Shaman then for my alt, and get ally the pally to 80+ so we can do some 2v2 arena. I heard Shamans really suck it up though with healing and dpsing in cata 4.06. Opinions? Flanders o flanders is only 14, so that's out of the group level range, and assume that's an alt alt.
edit: or maybe a rogue? for CC and dps.