
Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Jay-Lee: Personally, I probably wouldn't buy glasses like that. I believe the health benefit to wearing something like that, but glasses aren't comfortable to me. Maybe if they were extremely unintrusive I would consider it, but even now, I can barely deal with wearing glasses for a 3D movie. It just irritates my face.

You made me think about how much time I spend staring at screens and it's really obscene. :( At work, that's about 9 hours straight, and then when I'm home, if I'm not on the computer, chances are I'm looking at the tv or my phone. That's awful.

WoWers: You don't push me away from WoW Elric! It's a fun game. I was in good guilds that did high level instance stuff and pvp. I saw all kinds of hilarious drama, even crazier than shit on "The Guild". Enjoyed it all.

But since then I've just gotten more into gaming in general and I prefer more varied and challenging experiences. I paid my hundreds of dollars to the blizzard machine, and now I think I'm done. I can't see past the well engineered time-sink which makes me feel kinda dirty. If they take the billions of dollars they make and create a new game, I'll be stoked! I'm there Day 1! But for now, I'll just keep checking back, hopeful!