
Wednesday, February 09, 2011

I wonder why they didn't drop the price on WOTLK. IT's already 2 years old. Bliz is lame since they know that they could get MORE by making it a stepping stone for it if people wanted to upgrade to cataclysm. Way to suckle the addiction tit. Seriously lame. Ever heard of the maturing product cycle curve?

39 bucks. Do i want to upgrade? or the cata bundle fo 65 hrrmmm??????

On another note, I read one of Jons earlier post. Yeah, warriors kick some serious ass. I was playing an old toon of mine, 20ish level. In TBC and before i had to be extra careful not to run amuck and get swarmed. Now, I barely work up a sweath, and the creatures gets ripped to shreds with 2 -3 hits. I had a 1 hit kill once. Total Vanilla.