
Thursday, February 03, 2011

Hey Ja-el, either an extra healer or tank would be a good idea, so a shaman would be great. I wouldn't worry too much about maximum efficiency, just play what seems fun, 5-mans don't seem to require overthinking in my experience so far.

Anyway, we'll hit level 30 and get dual specs soon enough. Mike seems to be plugging away pretty consistently and you can get two levels per dungeon run easy in these longer low-level ones.

My "parity with Mike" character is Fashionista. That was a warrior I had levelled to 17 in the old days. How old? She had a piece of mail from Allodin in her inventory! It had turned blank however. Before Mike joined I had started Dorfman, a gnome warrior who's 39. Warriors are super fun now, capable of finishing fights way faster and just having much cooler abilities than they used to have.

If you start levelling Allodin again it will go really quick until you hit 70. I blazed through the Outlands. In fact I purposefully only saw half the zones so I'll have something to do with the other character. The Outlands are kind of sad actually, there's all this cool-looking PVP stuff that nobody actually does anymore.