
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Eric: Ha.. well.. that's why unmodded Oblivion sucked, but modded Oblivion was one of the best SP games of all time. ;) I was getting that feeling with WoW until a little bit ago when I found an area with some SERIOUSLY nasty baddies. 2500 hit points each?!

Will have to try the random dungeon thing out later.

I've sort of stumbled onto an "instance" .. holy hell these guys are tough! I love it! I'm assuming these aren't meant to be played solo.. lol. But I don't care, I'm having to fight for my life every time I engage one of these guys. Their 2500 hp to my 700 is a bit of an advantage in their direction.

It's some kind of depths or something or other area.. lots of murloc things. The night baddies are.. bad. Very hard to kill unless I get a crit or two on them.

I should be able to be on later tonight, the wifey and daughter are going out clothes shopping so it will be me and the boy. I can get him set up with some dinner and a movie and hang for a night, sure. May be interrupted here and there, though. LOL.. that might piss some 1337 gamers off. Welp, will do the best I can.