
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Btw, this is EXACTLY what I'm running into:

WoW Support Forums

Trial accounts can't post. Eric, anyone with an active account.. willing to bump on my behalf? A solution would be awesome.

Similar thoughts 'round the internets:

Teh Game Eez Brokes OHNOES

Also, looked up cost to get full game.. $99, WITH a 23% discount, and THEN another $200 a year. Ouch. =/ Honestly, I'd probably pay it anyway if we could play regularly. Cheaper than airfare to San Fran to game with you guys, lol.

Also-also.. just read that trial accounts are level-capped at 20. Not the end of the world, but that's kind of a bummer. Hell, I almost made it to 20 in one day of playing! Hmm, dunno. Will have to do some hard figurin' on this one. But if the bug isn't fixed, then my mind is kind of made up anyway.