
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jon: I did! Awesome news all around mang. Always nice to be appreciated. From the files of "I don't want to be too ego-centric or an ass for wishing ill on others, but I'm a gunna do it anyway!" ... I keep getting reports of the company I used to work for going down the shitter since I left, and it makes me a little bit happy. Feel bad about the departments I directly managed getting pounded with me gone, but as those good employees keep leaving due to mistreatment and hostile workplace environment, then it will continue to get worse and worse for the company. Welp, they get what they deserve.

L-Rockstar: Yah man! I really want the "next" thing I do to be a passion project. I'm tired of punching a clock for the man. I'm ready to do something awesome even if it's just good enough to get by for a while. The good (sorta) news is, with the bankruptcy going through a year ago, and now with the Mini Coop getting totaled, we are nearly 100% unencumbered. It's amazing how little money you can get by on when you don't owe anyone anything. I think we're going to keep it this way for a while.

Actually, I've been kicking around the idea of maybe starting a catering / parties and special events / cooking class business. I love cooking, love teaching, like dealing with people, parties are good.. let's do it.

I dunno, we'll see. I'm going to start poking around and asking people if they want to host a party at cost, just so I can get in the door and start passing out business cards.