
Saturday, October 09, 2010

Maybe I'll pick that up! I heard the movie was OK -- good, not great. There are a lot of Michael Cera haters out there. Personally I'm not one of them, he's still got love stored up from Arrested Development and Superbad, but I get it if people don't like him.

What have I been up to...

1. Today we actually finished a WFRP adventure! Wow! Took one intro session and three sessions (well, two and a half). Overall I like the system and the adventure went pretty well. It was an investigation where the PCs had to uncover a cult at an isolated hunting lodge surrounded by Beastmen. The adventure was fairly "sandboxy" and pretty much resolved in a big, ugly fight in the Chaos temple in the basement. Enron's character almost went permanently insane, everyone came out of it with some critical injuries, and at one point a group of cultists was totally obliterated by a single blast from a blunderbuss.

2. I picked up Batman: The Long Halloween which people seem to think is pretty good. Looks like the two Nolan Batman movies lifted a bunch of dialogue and characters from it.

3. The last two weeks have been totally exhausting in terms of my new job and I'm glad they're over.

4. I'll try your game Rude, but is it a coincidence that the pieces for a game about driving your pregnant wife to the hospital real fast are shaped like tiny, baby coffins?

Scott "Debates" Pilgrim - Kill all the vampires

Scott Pilgrim: I haven't seen the movie but I was curious about the comic and picked up the entire series, Vol 1-6, for around $23 bucks on Amazon. At the book store they're about $12 bucks each, so this was a massive deal. Just read the first book and it's really good! I highly recommend it. Very much feels a part of "our generation", similar to how MicroSerfs felt back in the day. I'll see the movie after I finish the series. If you look up book 1 on Amazon (it's $3.63) there's a "buy 1-3 together and save X dollars" - so buy that 3 pack and then look up book 4 and find the 4-6 together to do the same. Bargain! I suspect they over-stocked it for the movie or something.

babytime, go go

I knocked out that print-and-play game. It's not playtested OR very good, but I like the tiles I made and the idea is alright. In my mind the actual tiles would have more art to them than just a road, but for a 1 week contest I only spent 3-4 hours on it; been busy! I won't give you the rules, but I will say the game involves 1d6. See if you can figure it out. :)

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

bad relegon
Wow, I had no idea they had a new album. Listened to the samples on Amazon. Sounds okay, and like Ry I love the guys voice, but I don't think I'll get it. Let us know if it grows on you Ry-dub.

Rudy's Car Advenutre gaem
On the forums there's a little 1-week contest to design a free print-and-play solitaire game. I have till this weekend to post it. I was thinking of a tile-laying car game. The premise could be, you're wife's having a baby, get her to the hospital ASAP! There's a start piece (home or wherever) and the hospital as the finish piece. To keep it simple I'd like to use a d6. You'll have a time limit (she gives birth in 10 turns or maybe it's random or maybe certain tiles will advance her birth-o-meter.) Maybe your car has a speed and the faster you go, the sooner you'd get her there, but maybe with riskier dice rolls to make.

I dunno, sounds simple enough and I think it'll be fun to try it out over the next couple nights. If you guys have any idears, let me know! One thing I was thinking of trying was, you're laying the piece of road that's 1 ahead of you, so you can decide to speed up or slow down depending on what's there (curvy road, traffic, construction, cop, etc.)

Monday, October 04, 2010


The special lady friend and I just picked up tickets to see BR on 11/19. Looking forward to seeing them in concert again. I saw them on their last tour and I was quite glad I did. They really have a knack for revitalizing my interest in that era of punk and they really put on a solid show. I haven't heard the new album but I think I will check it out.

I just got my passport renewal back the other day. I can not believe it has only been 10 years since eLzar and I went to Europa. That seems like eons ago.

Just a head's up, the Gen Con Indy 2011 dates have been announced: August 4-7, 2011. Badge registration begins in January and it sounds like January will also be when "Housing Opens". So, once we have a badge, we can reserve rooms as part of the Gen Con hotel block.


The new Bad Religion...

... is just okay so far. I have really only listened to it a couple of times all the way through and only a couple of tunes stick out. Pound for pound, it isn't as good as the last album, but Greg Graffin's voice is very comforting to me and it still is good to hear some new songs. It is still worth picking up IMHO.

The bonus songs on the album are live versions of Generator, Best For You, Pessimistic Lines, and How Much Is Enough. Admittedly, those are not my favorite BR tunes (except Generator. I really, really like that song for some reason), it made me go back and listen to Against the Grain, No Control, and Suffer this last week.

BR is celebrating its 30th year (!), and there is some crappy comp coming out with some crappy bands covering some classic songs.

Where would my music tastes be today without the influence of this band?