
Saturday, October 09, 2010

Maybe I'll pick that up! I heard the movie was OK -- good, not great. There are a lot of Michael Cera haters out there. Personally I'm not one of them, he's still got love stored up from Arrested Development and Superbad, but I get it if people don't like him.

What have I been up to...

1. Today we actually finished a WFRP adventure! Wow! Took one intro session and three sessions (well, two and a half). Overall I like the system and the adventure went pretty well. It was an investigation where the PCs had to uncover a cult at an isolated hunting lodge surrounded by Beastmen. The adventure was fairly "sandboxy" and pretty much resolved in a big, ugly fight in the Chaos temple in the basement. Enron's character almost went permanently insane, everyone came out of it with some critical injuries, and at one point a group of cultists was totally obliterated by a single blast from a blunderbuss.

2. I picked up Batman: The Long Halloween which people seem to think is pretty good. Looks like the two Nolan Batman movies lifted a bunch of dialogue and characters from it.

3. The last two weeks have been totally exhausting in terms of my new job and I'm glad they're over.

4. I'll try your game Rude, but is it a coincidence that the pieces for a game about driving your pregnant wife to the hospital real fast are shaped like tiny, baby coffins?