
Friday, November 12, 2010

Yeah man, interestingly, the kid seems more outwardly normal than his parents are, he's socialable, expresses himself clearly, and has some pretty ambitious goals planned. He shared that he would like to start an internet/software company and had a few ideas about that with his friends from school. Gee... i wonder what I was planning in high school... oh yeah, to RULE THE WORLD muhahah..

but seriously the immesurable psychosis damage done to that kid growing up with all those games... His astronomy class would be Space Hulk 3rd edition. But they are nice country folks actually.

Truday - no 21 year olds huh? what about those skeletons in the closet? Ur probably hiding in the basement playing World of Warcraft under another druid character alias, hoping that Jon and Eric doesn't find out your insane addiction. Last time I remember, didn't I try to call you out one weekend, and you were gonna try to get dennis, so we can play some heroquest? I don't think I ever heard back.

New orleans here I come! First time I'll be there, will be interesting. Then it's off to vegas for the weekend.