
Saturday, November 27, 2010


I owned an acer before owning this HP DV9825NR. The worst problem it ever had was having to replace the keyboard every year. I dropped that thing several times and warped the case, but took a licking and kept on ticking.

After only a year and half, my HP LAPTOP is starting to fritz for no reason. Apparently the nvidia 8600 series 8m on board GPU is the culprit. The laptop gets hot and loosens the solder or something on the motherboard. So my screen is intermittently black and showing wierd verticle lines. Whats even WORSE, is called HP tech support and they can't do anything about it. Apparently HP hasn't deemed this problem bad enough to issue a recall. Well, it's more like they are unwilling to do a recall, since it would cost them Tens of millions to fix this particular problem as it involves removing the board and replacing the GPU chip probably. And that's tough because then they would have to sue Nvidia.

Next time i'm buying a simple laptop without Nvidia graphic chips. Who needs high graphics performance on a laptop anyway. I do use a few Autocad / photoshop apps, but i could live with the occassional slow performance.

Blame it on Blizzard and Wow, since i bought this laptop thinking I may at some point load that game on this computer.