
Friday, October 01, 2010


Well... Nothing really terribly exciting for all you Actionteam members. Just boring work news:

We just sold our building to yesterday for a cool $265 million. Of which I get a little less than the real estate brokers. They get 3%. I get 0%. Sweet. It's cool though, I do get to keep my job for another 6-12 months at a minimum. After that, I will hopefully be joining the new management group with the rest of our staff. A new company. Again. That will be 4 companies in 6 years for the same job at the same location. The good news is this company is a long term asset holder, so hopefully no more name changes. Also, I don't like my current company. It is a big, bureaucratic, company filled with Kool-Aid drinking cheerleaders. That and the left hand never seems too know what the right hand is doing.

I also joined the nefarious eLzar sponsored fantasy hockey league. Yay hockey.

Also, I hear eLzar likes green.

jr0n, I am stoked that you started reading The First Law trilogy. I really enjoyed the series. I have the second and third books if you are interested.
