
Thursday, September 16, 2010


Played my first solo DungeonQuest tonight. I'm leaving to Portland in the morning, so only had time for the one quick game. I think I'm going to enjoy it, but I don't really understand the combat yet.

My dwarf got 4 spaces into the dungeon before encountering a bottomless pit. He made his luck check and then the next tile was bridge where he fell in the catacombs. Dorf was in the catacombs for a long ass time and got down to 1 hitpoint thanks to combat with a golem and troll. Finally got out of the catacombs with 3 or 4 turns till the dungeon closed and escaped with 1400 gold he got from 2 treasure chests discovered in the catacombs.

I don't really get combat. Playing solo it made a little more sense, but with other players it sounds more complicated and strategic, MAYBE. Fucking confusing.

It's a good game overall and I'll need to play a bunch more to figure it out.