
Sunday, July 04, 2010

My wallet would like to have a serious discussion with you guys for telling me about this sale.

Holy shit.

Yesterday I picked up Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Athena (these games are SO good -- it's amazing) and Portal (yeah I have it for 360, but for $1.99... WHY NOT?). Today I'm looking at the goods on offer and just shaking my head. I mean here's what I see:

- Borderlands plus ALL the DLC for $10.19. I played the shit out of this game on the 360, but not any of the DLC which would cost me more than that to buy on Live in any case, and it is SO FUN co-op. Rude/Enron, what do you guys think? Any interest in getting the gang back together? Aeryk and everyone else: buy it!
- Thief 3 for $2.99. Well, fuck. Thief 3 isn't the best of the series, but it's still great, and I've been wondering what the mod community has cooked up for this one anyway.
- Left 4 Dead 2: $10.19. Well, there goes any incentive I had not to pick this one up.
- Bioshock 2: $15. Shit.
- Trine: $4. Wasn't this supposed to be fun?

So basically $50 and this is enough gaming goodness to last me YEARS. I think this will actually occupy more space than I have set aside on my Windows partition.