
Saturday, May 01, 2010

Question... if I ran one of the 40k RPGs, I think we would need to be able to take two 4-5 hr sessions over the course of the con to actually get an adventure done. Whereas if we play Basic D&D JDP45 "Lair of the Racists" (new title) we can do our usual, loosey goosey, get drunk over a few hours and come to an ignominious end after the second fight kind of thing.

I'm totally cool with both ways. D&D is easy to plan for, is a known quantity, and I wouldn't care if we don't finish or if we only play for five minutes and then it turns into a circle jerk or whatever. WH40k would probably be more fun, but requires a lot more prep work, and two sessions is a good chunk of con time and I would probably want to limit the circle jerking somewhat. (Maybe it is a good idea to motivate us to get off our asses and play some games?)

I do think it sounds fun so I guess if at least three-four of you guys would be up for the two session thing then I am wiling to pull the trigger. Opinions?

PS Seriously. Put your mouse cursor on one of the rings and try and trace your way inward... you can't!