
Monday, April 12, 2010

Yeah Pumpkin is right -- that's six people not counting Rape Van Aeryk and Sir "Not Appearing At This Hotel" Ja-El. Given that would pull it to sub-$200 levels I vote two rooms. I want to be in Rudy's room, if only for the inevitable moment when I walk into the room to find him openly masturbating while wearing his Vader mask.

So Enron and I started going to a Warmachine league at the SFLGS (somewhat friendly local game store) last weekend. Hoo boy, did we get our asses spanked black and blue. Well Enron won one game. Against me. It just goes to show, you can play a game for years, then suddenly learn you've been fucking it up the whole time. I had a lot of fun, though. For gamer weirdos these guys weren't too bad.

The coolest part of the league you get a little book in it with a sort of map-like, branching track in it. Playing games and getting certain achievements in those games gets you stamps on the track, and and when you get to certain spaces you unlock a "stratagem" which gives you some crazy power you can use once per game. The achievements are pretty easy to get so as long as you play a bunch of games you'll eventually unlock a whole bunch of shit, just not as fast as if you go smite everyone weirdo gamer-style.

I guess that's not really "cool" but you know what I mean.