
Thursday, April 08, 2010

Boobla Khan

And so here is the low-down:

DaveDefeat and Ian very likely will not be able to cobble the finances together for this year's annual debauchacon. As a result, our attendee list is as such:

Dr. "Myke Hunt" Futbol
Lord Hass eLzar the Gozarian
P. Ennis "Pump"
P. Realhard
jr0n Peckerwood
8" Inseam Ja-EL
eNron "Deef" Butterflyington III

Of which, Ja-EL has reported he will be sleeping at home and Lord Hass may or may not be sleeping in the love van. eLzar, what say you?

Assuming eLzar is sleeping in the shaggin' wagon, That would leave 5 hotel room guests. If that is the case, I suggest we reserve one room for the duration of the con and pre-con, Thursday night through Monday morning. 4 nights after estimated tax and parking would like be: ($106/night x 4? nights x ~20% est. room tax) + (3? cars x $5/day x 4 days) = $568.80 estimated total cost.

Anyone want to weigh in with their thoughts?
