
Sunday, March 07, 2010

That shit is sketchy. My mom takes it sometimes and she totally sleep walks and does crazy things when on it. Like in the morning there will be a half eaten meal on the kitchen table that she came out and made and ate. FUCK THAT! Man, I sleep like a maniac, minus the fact I have some sort of sleep apnea. I have the sleep clinic in a few weeks but I bought some hurky jerky cheap plastic nose ring from CVS that's supposed to stop snoring (and help with sleep apnea) and it apparently worked last night. But, I'm all for getting the hardcore darth vader sleep mask from the doctors, so this is a temp fix.

You guys remember Battlestations? Dug out my copy and going through it. I remember it being kinda fun/kinda frustrating. I'm gonna look through it and see if I can streamline it into something quick and easy for a game at the con.