
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Small World

Alright, I'm totally hooked and addicted to this little game. I picked up a copy and have played 5 solo games in two nights now - me likey. It scratches a nice wargamey itch with variable army powers, but plays so fast and easily you can get it done, even solo, in like 30 minutes.

So I wanted to get the expansions and had them in my cart to pickup when I send my next big order in using the last of my Traded Cards Credit with coolstuffinc.com , and wouldn't you know it, someone bought them out from under me. "Fine", I think, I'll wait 'til they get back in stock, then discover they will probably never be reprinted and every online retailer is OUT OF STOCK PERMANENTLY!

Well, this of course is cause for alarm because up until 2 weeks ago I had no desire for this game at all, and now I NEED IT LIKE MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. I check BGG and ebay, and one doof is selling a one of the expansions for $99 ($10 when instock at an online retailer) and someone on ebay is selling for $34.99. I began to sink into depression thinking I would never land such a meaningless and unimportant game item in my lifetime!

I scoured the intarwebz and found one expansion at Noble Knight Games for $11 and the other expansion at a weird company in Pacifica for $10 and bought both copies he had in stock, maybe I too can sell one for $99 dollars when they all officially dry up.

Moral of the story? There is none. Except that collector/completist sickness is real, and even when forced into dormancy by things like "putting food on the table and paying bills and rent instead of games", it can and will rear its ugly head.

Oh yeah, the other moral is that Small World is awesome.

PS jr0n, you can get the promo expansion 'Leaders of Small World' for $5 shipped from the BGG store, I picked that up too. DO IT!