
Thursday, March 25, 2010

jr0n, the 200pt epic is going to be a crazy mess. I have not actually sat and counted out the minis but it is no small horde. Hopefully it doesn't bog down into a huge mire, but it probably will. Beer plus hundreds of Minis. Awesome!

Also, BSG is great. Like Rude put it, It really has a great cadence, except at a few points mid-series where the plot lines slow down a bit. The characters are really well developed as the series goes on. I agree that you should definitely stay away from spoiler sites. A lot of the plot threads are best as a surprise.

Rude and Ry: Yeah, that whole bit on Fat Mike was very bothersome. I just kept mulling over parts in my head yesterday, thinking, that is just f'd up. Depressing and disturbing. Maybe it was his little performance piece and all of the stories were fake, designed to provoke the audience. Maybe not. I suspect there is at least some truth to his stories. Maybe the whole experience is intentionally in the vain of Punk Rock proper, ala Sid Vicious or Rollins and their ilk. Still, not good pizza.
