
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Whew, close one!

- The tsunami alert we had in Santa Cruz proved an empty threat. Whew!

- Pre-reg'd for Kubla Khan? Oh, hells yes!

- Got Grind. Probably be better with a) a real life opponent, b) league rules. It's interesting, and for sure there is a lot to learn with how all the moves and whatnot are applied to a game setting, but for now it seems a lil' weird. Looking forward to exploring it more with the SF WM contingent.

- Discovered I have two OOP games that fetch a pretty penny on the Troll and Toad buy list! Hooray for trading old games for credit! ASL Solitaire 2nd Ed. is on the buy list for like $230 bucks (bought for $40 at the War House) and a sealed copy of Battle Cry is on there for like $80 (bought at the going out of business sale at the Game Keeping in Del Amo for $20). Now if I could only find some one to buy this piece of shit unpunched Agricola...

- Feels good to start painting some minis again. The smell of primer is a comforting feeling, fo shizzle. NO IDEA if I still have any chops, and War Machine jacks are kinda hard to paint anyway, so time will tell. Ran out of primer so ran to my FLGS and bought a can of Citadel Chaos Black Primer for $16.00!!!! WTF? Krylon here I come (next time)!

- Picked up Gears of War I again for $9.99 and remembered pretty quickly why I sold it the first time... Also, started playing a borrowed copy of Bioshock I, and got about as far as the first time, then lost interest. I REALLY want to be engrossed, but I'm just not.

- "House of Leaves!" Read it! My twitter about it: "House of Leaves - What happens when Jacques Derrida, HP Lovecraft, Douglas Coupland and the Blair Witch Project have a love-child." I continue to be engrossed, disturbed, intrigued, and fascinated with this book and am trying to pace myself so I don't finish it too quickly. Very unique, very worth your time.

- How we lookin' for the 13th, Enron?

- Playing around with a Wordpress installation I have on the AT server, some of you probably received a password in the email because I forgot to click the 'do not send' option when I created the dummy accounts. I converted the AT Reviews blog with some ease, yet all the posts show as being mine, so I fear what will happen when I roll the REAL blog over.... but Wordpress seems way, way cooler to use and customize than Blogger ever has been, and I look forward to moving on. Poor move on Google's part to alienate their FTP 'customers' I think, but hey, who's gonna argue with our new Overlords?