
Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Always with the Lying

Maybe other RPG groups in the world handle their games differently, but I swear to Sigmar, every freaking RPG we play there has to be a significant portion of the game lying to the long arm of the law, or what-have-you, when if we told the truth everything would go smoothly. MOST of the time, we haven't committed any horrendous crimes, and MOST of the time a simple explanation, even if poorly executed, would be less stressful and possibly result in a GOOD outcome instead of going on the run from the law, burning down the town, murder, etc.

The last WFRP session clearly illustrated this. ABSOLUTELY no wrong doing on our part, none - simply eliminating a clear threat to the Empire by putting down chaos infected mutants and leaving no organic material behind to further spread the infection, and yet we needed to concoct some story to tell the Sheriff about our whereabouts, that we weren't together, etc. Ridiculous.

Sure, we intended to go and loot the poor old dead fisherman's house for any valuables because he had no next of kin and better we get the spoils than the Empire, and sure, maybe that is a little bit wrong, but come on. And sure, maybe I shot him in the face first when the mutant spotted me lurking outside his house and we didn't even entertain for a moment the option of parlance with this Abbott and Costello mutant pairing before destroying them utterly, but come on. And sure, maybe we burned evidence of a crime scene, and took a few things for ourselves, but come on...


THAT'S why we always lie to authority figures. Upon closer inspection, even when we THINK we're not really doing anything wrong, we actually kinda are. Of course, if we tried to be more honest characters, then there would be no GUILTY!, Prosti's n' Shotguns, or otherwise, and what fun would that be?