
Thursday, January 07, 2010

Uggg, that sucks about rugRat.subElzar's ear issues. Daven has been going through bouts of ear infections too. My sister had a numerous bouts of ear infections as a kid. It would appear the little guy picked up the genes from mommy. Also, they finally figured out he is allergic to Red Dye. Not sure which one though.

GW, what a bunch of jArks. Really in all fairness, both Gino and Chad were actually perfect company representatives. They embodied the worst of humanity, yet were towering examples of the GW company ethos.

I can not say that I have picked up many games of late. I have been trying to cut back the "disposable income in the toilet" lately. I swear, weddings suck balls financially. At this point, I am about ready to say fuck it and get married in a sewer to save myself the fiduciary agony.

Work is killing my brain. Anyone ever get to a point when you look at your to-do list and it is so long, you just do not know where to start. That and every item you attemp to tackle ends up mushrooming to become more complicated and drawn out then initially anticipated. Oh and I have to wear ties to work now. Oh and I have to wear business suits too. Ballz. Looks like this and next month's saved money is out the door as I go spend a truck load of money on work wear. Two tears in a bucket... You know the rest.

eLzar: I still pull out the old Doom gameage every year or two. It is still a fun game. It is a shame Doom III deviated so much from the old format. The whole creepy, monsters sneaking up and punching you in the balls format just didn't feel right. I preferred the whole slug fest of I & II. I guess that is why Serious Sam was such a hit. Which I would like to play again in the revitalized version: Serious Sam HD. It has the original version content/maps, just overhauled with a new 3D engine and graphics update. Maybe I'll pony up for this one. Or not. I think it is only $6.79 on steam right now.

The tweets seem cool. Seems like I might enter more info. I rarely post on Action Team due to the lack of anything substantial to add to it. Only snippets of nonsense run through my head anymore. Then again, I got tired of facebook, so what can you do?
