
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Hot Banjo-Man Updates

When I have thoughts that are of little concern, or want to post a snippet of something at work, I have just been using Twitter and sending my muse out into the aether, rather than logging in and directing it at The Action Team. I should probably stop doing that, or rather you should all get Twitter as most of you sit in front of a computer all day anyway, might as well join the Twitterati! But I digress...


- Wylie will be having a procedure to put 'tubes' in his ears that will allow fluid to drain and pressure to balance so he can hear again. The poor guy has been having hearing loss, and probably speech delay due to not being able to hear clearly and it only took us 9+ months of trying to get a doctor to agree with us to finally make it happen! Happy he will be a 'real little boy' now, but sad he needs a procedure, and sad that the pocketbook will exhibit more moths erupting from the place where the bills should be as well as more being placed on the head of Enron and having Enron dancing around to display how there is no money in said pocketbook. If you have seen him do this, aww yeah, you know what I'm talkin' 'bout!

- Wasted money and picked up some mad games, yo, during the Steam holiday sale. Trine and Torchlight for 4.99 each, Lucasarts Adventure collection (with Loom, the Dig, and two Indy games) for like 8 bones I think, LFD for 7.99, a few $2 games, Complet Doom for $12 I think, Dark Forces and Jedi Knight series for $12 also, and my big purchase of LFD2 for 33 bones.

I sit at my computer more that the xbox, and I already pay a fee for my computer to multiplay online called 'My Cable Modem' so I thought I would pay less for a game that I will play on this platform more, and without additional monthly fees. I like it a lot so far. My 3 second reviews:

Trine - awesome puzzle fantasy physics sidescroller
Torchlight - good if you like Diablo and are not playing WoW right now, because if you are, why bother playing Torchlight?
Lucasarts games - The Indy games are still tons of fun
Dark Forces - great sound, takes me back, can't get the mouse to look up, so maybe you never could?
Doom - Total sucker for Doom. Will play it at any time, still holds up after all these years. It's the stirred vodka martini of the FPS genre - no frills, to the point, strong, timeless.

- One of the joys of having a kid in fulltime preschool and a wife working at a school is all the sickness that we pass around like duchies. December was brutal as we were each almost sick a week, but spaced out so we had to miss all kinds of work to be home with Wylie, as well as be sick ourselves, yet go to work almost everyday out of necessity. Anyhoo, while I was sick and feeling like dying, I had a series of brutal-ass headaches that only relented once my sickeness had run it's course. I had a sore throat and couldn't drink soda or coffee and put 2 and 2 together to discover I think I kicked my caffeine addiction while sick because I went from 4 cups a day, not including Diet Pepsi's, to zero for about a week.

It was misery, and I am back on the sauce, but I am down to about a cup a day, maybe two, and/or a Red Bull at work in the afternoon. I no longer get caffeine headaches when I miss my intake for the day, so hooray!