
Friday, April 10, 2009

I've been in work enviroments like that as well Jon, pretty sucky! Hang in there and hopefully things will improve OR you can find a new gig (job).

Wow, being a parent must be tough, good luck Art and your wife! Cool that it's a boy this time, I've always sorta wanted a son for meta-reasons. ???

SO can we reg for the new con or what? I don't wanna end up spending even MORE cuz dennis doesn't care about the boys and just regs left and right. I can't wait for this con by the way, I am very excited! :)

Signed up for the BB beta and then also the Quake thing. You know, the Quake thing works pretty well - neat that it just GOES but it's still QUAKE which I guess I don't totally love. But I think it'll be a decent diversion.

Rented: Chronicles of Riddick Dark Athena for the 360. It's great! Great-ish. You know, I'd never played Butcher Bay so it's cool to try it - really fun, shiving dudes is cool. Haven't tried the "new" game in it yet, but I'll play them in order.

I have a truck, fuck you

I feel you on the work environment, Jon. Those of us still left have the foxhole/gallows mentality. "Dibs on your shit" has become both an inside joke and a sad truthism.

Just in case I was a total douchebag and didn't post this before (I'm really losing my mind with these 12-16 hour days.. life is a total blur).. Bennett was born the day before my birthday, 3/21/09 and has been keeping Michelle and I up at all hours of the night. It's kind of funny, you think you remember what it was like and I suppose on some level it's easier the second time around.. but it really is RELENTLESS the non-stop feeding, diapers, feeding, diapers. And here I am bitching and I'm not even the food-producing parent. Three weeks into this, he's finally starting to sleep in longer chunks at night, so that's good.

Anyhow, off to work I go. Weeee....

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Blut Bowl

Aeryk, are you getting this for the 360 or PC? If the 360 I will definitely play online, it looks like a blast. Not if you're going to pull a left 4 dead and never play though. ;_;

Nothing really going on in my life except that my Dilbertish boss sucks so bad, people are quitting left and right with no backup plans. That's pretty remarkable in today's environment. Definitely a cascading problem as the more people I like leave, the worse the atmosphere gets. The only upside is watching this one guy, who for years has been apathetic at best as he was trying to get laid off with the accompanying sweet package, now suddenly fear for his career as he is facing actually being fired. He has to go through something called a "Personal Improvement Plan." Dilbertish boss vs. lazy guy is the only thing keeping me going.

I've also started listening to nothing but country music on "The Wolf" lately when I'm in the car, it's kind of a strange change for me. I genuinely enjoy it. I now know that the key to writing a successful country song is to just pick the theme of either "having a daughter is great, it's truly ironic when she grows up and has kids herself," "it's best to be simple," or "I have a truck, fuck you."

Also, This Went Live Today

Blood Bowl Homepage

Get on it quick! Sign up for the multi-player and online beta! You know I did!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Quake Live

Is awesome. Is free. Is Quake in your browser. Do it from work!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

I talked to Peter and he hasn't registered yet. So if you are still trying to do the group registration, he is in. Let me know so that I can tell him.

Also, i've been seeing talk of a re-issue of Space Hulk. Hmmm. Anyone hear any specific details?