
Friday, March 06, 2009

haha.....  maybe i was just more of a game geek than u guys were.  Think it was on teh IIGS

first classic action strategy game back in the days, that had a love naked scene and good graphics.  Was on the nintendo, i'm sure you played it, cuz we played it at Pauls house...  


Thursday, March 05, 2009

Hey Ja-el, what made that game so great that the license would be worth acquiring? I've never played it so I'm not familiar with it. I had an Apple IIc back in the day, and the game wasn't available for that OS.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Yeah, the rights would have to come from E-Games, I visited their site this morning.  Actually i bought a new computer from HP and they had the trial for DOTC from egames.  Checking the reviews of the DOTC PC remake was universally bad... which is probably why I haven't heard anything about the remake.  But that's still the PC version.

You could slap on Orcs and Humans, and call it a boardgame but just doesn't ring as much as Warcraft.

Plus...  slap this on the box of the boardgame

Says it all....     =)

Marketshare wise:  I read in an article 40% of Cinemaware software was sold in Europe.  Much like DOTC Settlers version, i think this concept would have a niche market in Europe as well for the old timer european geeks.

No one else cares to comment?
In fact, the more I think about it... I insist that Alistair Higgins make a return to the table! That's a character concept with panache.
So much blog blove lately!

Aeryk and Enron, it doesn't matter whether you create new guys or keep using the old ones or a mix. It's fine to start at 2nd level and making a 2nd level guy is as easy as creating a 1st level one (make a guy, make the stat adjustments, pick a utility power and a feat, done!).

I was figuring we'd spend an hour or so making guys and then play until the Doc has to leave, but if you can get it done sooner, all the better! I'm basically just running a mini adventure or two so it will all work out either way.

It's gonna be fun! Unless we hate it and never speak again. That would be sad :[
That's an interesting idea johnny, but I'm wondering if the Defender of the Crown IP is even worth spending ANY money on. YEah, we're all old timey gamers so we remember those cinemaware titles, but couldn't u honestly use some generic fantasy setting that costs you nothing and use that 30k somewhere else?

Here's the end of the cinemaware wiki entry for refrence:
Main article: eGames

On October 6, 2005, Cinemaware was acquired by predominantly family oriented game publisher eGames, Inc., and Lars Furken-Batista became Vice President of Development.[1] Shortly after the acquisition, eGames announced the launch of Cinemaware Marquee, a publishing label to be used to bring new games to the U.S. market. Their first published game was Space Rangers 2, a critically acclaimed space-adventure. They have also brought retail releases of Darwinia from Introversion Software, Moscow to Berlin from Monte Cristo and Neighbours from Hell: On Vacation and Buccanneer's Bounty from German publisher Ascaron to the American market.

In 2007, eGames released an Adobe Flash version of Defender of the Crown for download via their website, entitled Defender of the Crown: Heroes Live Forever.[2]

So i dunno man, what made you think of that game?

PS The new puzzle quest is a major dissapointment. They fucked it up.
Yeah... It doesn't really gross me out or anything to that effect, but for me the theme seems a little too novelty and deliberately comical. That said, I think I'll pass. Some of the Asian cultures are quite weird this way. I see those odd little golden poop charms around town a good bit. I guess this restaurant just goes the next logical step in that chain of bizarre thinking.


Dotc 1.0

What?  That must be a fake article

By the way, i just feel like it would be a good time hobby...  if it was cheap enough and I were to buy the license for Defender of the Crown board game and Card game rights of the classic cinema ware pc game, I would like to produce it as a hobby on my off times.  Not sure if i have so much time...

You guys interested to contribute in putting together the effort to do that?  Ie, need webmaster, graphic artists, setup podcast, manual / literature writer...  those would be classes.

webmaster - oric
graphic artist - art
podcast radioman - rudy
manual writer - jorn
miniature painter - dennis
guy that points in the sky at D&D games - Johnny
history / gamplay - Motorbike

did i miss any key actioneer?

I don't know how much the license would cost...  hopefully around 20-30 grand.  But the production and manufacturing i can do in asia.

thots?  dumb idea?  sounds like fun though... 



(For full effect, read the whole thing)


Perhaps Drunken Marathon Kombat Kommander. I bet we play real good hopped up on caffeine AND whiskey shakes. Fuck yeah!

Yeah, let me see if I can't get Myke setup with creating a character in advance. So is it safe to assume 1st level, 4th ed?


D&D Weekend

I am happy playing with my plucky, unlucky, and virtually useless "Leader" character that is Alastair Higgins, the Halfling Warlord.

I could be convinced to create another character without issue if we all sort of want a fresh start for our new Perpetual D&D Campaign.

As far as I know, we are starting to play at noon until 5pm.

I think we should make characters in advance, and that could mean I go to Enrons early and the two of us roll em up then, or we do it from our respective homes, I think making characters takes too much precious time of our 5 hours slot.

Drunken anything afterword sounds good to me, as well as marathon combat commander.

Dennis is on to something there...

jr0n and eLzar, that all sounds good to me. Shall we all make characters in advance or wait until Saturday? What time should we meet?


Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Boo point oh


That is some funny shit. I don't know if it will catch on with the kids, but I think it is pretty funny.


This weekend I have a dentist appointment.

Third Planet recently reopened. Someone bought out their assets and is making a go of things. Let's hope they manage to keep them afloat during Depression 2.0.

Player's Manual 2 is coming out (expansion patch 2.0). They're bringing back the gnome and barbarian. No word yet about a bondage elf nurse/ninja.

And Blackheart votes for 2.0 rooms.

this weekend: is go!

Yo Aeryk and Enron: looks like we're on for some D&D this weekend! I confirmed with Professor Myke that he is free on Saturday until 5:00 or so, so I figured we could play D&D until he has to split, then get in some Combat Commander, drunken World of Warcraft Adventure Game, or whatever! Still sound good to you guys?

Religions are just kinda NUTS.

These 3 videos, take some live drum and bass crazy british music and put it to some fuckin' NUTS footage from evangelical kinds of churches. People goin batshit insane, ahahaha. Fits perfectly, so scary.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Conjoined Twins Room

Asshatery aside, the last two years during booking I have requested a note be added to the account, which they did; however, they clearly stated that ultimately room allocation was subject to availability at time of check-in. Normally, this would not be an issue, but during a weekend in which the hotel is often booked to or near capacity, things are liable to get a bit dicey. This was the case two years prior when we had one room half a floor away and only one atrium view. Last year, I was able to maneuver our rooms around with the help of the front desk attendant until we were able to get the combo we wanted.

Yes with the economy as it is, who knows what the con attendance will be like. Then again, if it is anything like the video game industry, an escapist diversion for many, maybe attendance won't be impacted so much. Here is hoping for the latter and not the former.


Adjoining rooms

I think you can specifically request adjoining rooms. Also requesting floor location and atrium facing might be a problem, but I think hotels do cater to adjoining room requests due to children/parent combos, etc. Some hotels might just be asshats about it, and things have probably changed over the years (prices up and customer service down), so I am probably wrong. Not to mention for a weekend like Kubla, they don't really need to cater to their customers because the place will sell-out no matter how lame they are to us.

With the economic burning wreck spiral, that may have changed.

WTF do I know, anyhow.

Monday, March 02, 2009

I'm for two rooms. I've gotten rather spoiled in my old age. Plus, you know how I love to hog the bathroom. I've passed the message to Peter. Does he have access to post here?

I don't have any ideas for a project alas.

Oh, I could probably play this at least once. If only to shout out the flavor text on the card.


Man ager-s special

jr0n, I say we make our own Man ager's special.

Rude, if we get a room on Thursday, there is no guarantee we will get adjacent or even atrium rooms, but it did work out last time and I am more than willing to try for it again this time. I can take that Thursday off and get down there early. But let's see what the rest of the Actionteam's responses are.

We can make one room work if me, Rudy, Denis and Peter sleep in the van with Aeryk.

Two rooms... and since I'll be leaving Sunday I would selfishly love to get in as much gaming on Thursday as possible. I'll volunteer to check in, too.

If only the hotel had the "Manager's Special"... that was the shit at ManCon!
One room, eleven crazy nights! That guy is RICH!

Yeah, 2 rooms. Whatever hovers around a hundred bucks and the most comfort - gotta be adjacent rooms though! They never are, how come? Oh get us a suite so we can live the suite life and have nice tables on our baloncaneys.
Dos Rooms please..

and I'll take a free head from enrons sweet parched lips...   no homo

(just a thought:  depending on # of people that won't make it on thurs or opt to stay on sunday nite, maybe should book 3 or 4 nites per booking combination depending on # of attendees)  

My vote!


Uhh... So, assuming Myke is going to attend, which I will call him about this evening, we will have 10 attendees (eLzar, jr0n, ja -El, Rude, Pump, Peter, DaveDefeat, Ian, Myke, eNron). I would wager that 10 people in the smallish Hyatt regency rooms would be quite a stretch, even if eLzar sleeps in the van. However, we have done it before in the interest of saving money, So I let the group to decide with a strong advisory against only booking one room.

The room rate is posted as $106/night on Kubla Con's site. Without calling the hotel for a confirmation, the room, taxes and parking will likely be $125/night again. For 3 nights that is $375/room. Forgoign the Thursday night business, as opposed to last time, we would be spending roughly $750 for 2 rooms or about $75/head. If we take the extra day, that goes to $100/head. Regarding the extra night, we could also prorate it since some people may not be able, or want, to attend the extra night. Again, I put it out to the group for discussion and ultimate decision.

FYI, Last years tab was $174/head due to only having 7 attendees with 2 rooms + extra day and a rather steep $30 a head Knuckles tab.

So, put to a vote, the two questions are:

One room or two?
Three nights or Four?


Sunday, March 01, 2009

Special Project You Say?

Do you have any thoughts? I am sort of tapped right now as far as brain power goes, but if you have something specials you KNOW I am game to dabble...

Finished Projects:
- 3D Aliens
- Blood Bowl Board and carrying case
- Combat Commander carrying case (sort of)

Unfinished projects:
- Mini's version of Battle Cry with hexes and casualty markers (15mm)
- Mini's version of Memoir '44 with hexes and casualty markers (10mm)
- 3D Space Hulk terrain (preliminary, fact gathering stage)

I would be up for revisiting a failed/unfinished project, or a new one if you have on in mind, dude!

ALSO, I say we get one room because I will probably be sleeping in the van in the parking lot anyway!

Kubla Con Carne... hmmmm

Put Mr. Peter Blackheart and me down for some Kubla Con Carne orders. As it stands right now, we might end up driving up after work Friday night. So we'll miss the beginning. Boooo! If anything changes though, I'll let you know.

Will there be a special project for this year?

Speaking of D&D

I just downloaded the free version (without upgrades, etc.) of the Character Builder software and re-created Alastair Higgins, level 2 Halfling Warlord extraordinaire from the most recent (and only) Man-Con I.

The program is pretty good, actually very good, and one of the cool features is that it spits out customized power cards with all the damage/math sorted out for you!

Pretty cool, check it out!

Hey Rude, I'm going back march 10th, but coming back in the beginning of April.  Have some things I have to do and finish up.   So i'm still heading back this time around, but will be permanently back soon.   You know, as join pointed out I have to abdicate my throne by singing Wake me up before I go go around the BonPyre while roasting heads of the neighboring tribes.

You guys ever see these "Drunk History" shorts? I almost just died watching the 4th one:
Drunk History 4 (Part about snakes...)
But the rest are really friggen funny and good too, just sort by user DrunkHistory to watch 'em all. For those who haven't seen them, someone gets fucked up drunk and then talks about a story from history and its acted out by "celebrities". It's fucking funny.

Oh most definitely!

I'm in for Kubla Con. My schedule may be slightly attenuated as either Sunday or Monday I need to fly down to LA for my grandmother's 90th birthday party, but I'm in other than that.

Since my schedule on the back end of the con will be cut short, I'd be up for some Thursday action. I think I'll try to take that day off from work.

And, Ja-El! Good to see you man! I had figured you had gone native and were now the king of some lost tribe deep in the forest... the ancient symbol of your kinghood, your Wham shirt! Let's get together sometime soon.
I'm still confused johnny... so are you in cali for GOOD now!? Or just a visit!?

Listened to that D&D Podcast - pretty cool - way too short though! I still listen to all these game podcasts that are like 2.5 hours every week - 40 minutes flies by in an instant! But it's totally listenable and funny and I was genuinely interested in the story and how it'd play out. And I guess surprised how their gaming exp was so similar to all of ours - it must be a universal thing for the most part (I'm sure there's groups out there with no laughs and like hardcore rping, but otherwise, mostly goofing huh.)
Yep - i'm in - no doubt.   

Side note:  The houses around fremont are still pretty high in price, only about 20% less than last years price..... hrmmm

Current Total

This puts us at 5 confirmed.

While last year David did bail on us in late March due to work scheduling, let's not unjustly blame him for our luxurious spending habits last year. We had the option to go with one room instead of two. In fact we had not booked the rooms at that point and we chose to spend the extra money and get a second room, for added comfort, and the extra day, for assured atrium acquisition and adjacent rooms, knowing David and Ian were not attending.

Note, David is no longer at the Poop and will not need to work that weekend.

Myke? jr0n? Pump-ennis? Ry??? jA -El? WHat say you?


I'm in, but..

.. if Dave is as "in" as he was last year, that means he will bail at the last minute leaving the rest of us with a much more substantial bill....


Also, this year, I will again be having a firesale of games! Mostly RPG and miniatures stuff, but will also be trying to off more games, so get your pocketbooks ready for some INSANE VIP discounts!
Count me in, I need a vc (not to be confused with needing a vd.) Whatever fucking days, I got tons of time. I will fly up there. Let me know if it's for sure going to happen.

Johnny "Kubla" Khan "Late"

jA -El: So your state side, eh? We need to hang for sure. Let us know when you are situated and we should definitely celebrate your locality by having a gaming session.

All: So DaveDefeat and Ian have thrown down the gauntlet and put there hat in for sure this May at Kubla. BTW, DaveDefeat is no longer at the Poop. That being said, I am putting a call into all action teamers to declare your intentions so we can arrange for rooms and discuss options this year.

At this point we have three confirmations, including myself. The Con is on Friday, May 22nd through Monday the 25th. Of course, we will need to discuss the option of taking rooms on Thursday the 21st as we did last year, but let's find out how many attendees we have first.
