
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

That's an interesting idea johnny, but I'm wondering if the Defender of the Crown IP is even worth spending ANY money on. YEah, we're all old timey gamers so we remember those cinemaware titles, but couldn't u honestly use some generic fantasy setting that costs you nothing and use that 30k somewhere else?

Here's the end of the cinemaware wiki entry for refrence:
Main article: eGames

On October 6, 2005, Cinemaware was acquired by predominantly family oriented game publisher eGames, Inc., and Lars Furken-Batista became Vice President of Development.[1] Shortly after the acquisition, eGames announced the launch of Cinemaware Marquee, a publishing label to be used to bring new games to the U.S. market. Their first published game was Space Rangers 2, a critically acclaimed space-adventure. They have also brought retail releases of Darwinia from Introversion Software, Moscow to Berlin from Monte Cristo and Neighbours from Hell: On Vacation and Buccanneer's Bounty from German publisher Ascaron to the American market.

In 2007, eGames released an Adobe Flash version of Defender of the Crown for download via their website, entitled Defender of the Crown: Heroes Live Forever.[2]

So i dunno man, what made you think of that game?

PS The new puzzle quest is a major dissapointment. They fucked it up.