
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Two Douches Break Stuff: The Series

I saw about 7 minutes of the episode where they break a carnival up. It was some of the worst TV ever.

My 7 minutes in summation: "Carnivals have attractions, one of them is the fortune teller machine, it is made of wood, metal and glass. Can these guys use their feet to kick this machine apart? Let's find out! (man kicks glass with foot, shattering the glass, replayed in slo-mo from different angles, 5 - 9 times) Yes!"

I have been playing a lot of WoW and having a blast. Level 80 is a totally different beast altogether, playing in a guild with folks that are nice and run dungeons is totally fun, and the new patch that dropped last week that gives cross-server random dungeon groups has changed the face of the game in very significant, and fun ways. If you are at all interested in picking it up again, I'm on a pvp server "Bonechewer", on the horde side, and have two active characters Acererak and Robbase. Leveling is a breeze now too, and you can get mounts at lvl 20!

I know I'm just spinnin' my wheels here, but I gotta try, right?

Denis is in the guild, but Dragon Age has kept Kasiopaeia at level 23 for some time now... :)