
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The wedding of champions

jr0n, while we are on the laundry theme, you should also consider using plastic dry-cleaning plastic bags as seat covers instead of the nice cloth ones. Also, you should incorporate a Perchloroethylene odor into the center piece somehow too. This will really make your special lady friend's family feel right at home.

Also, if we double dragon the weddings, you are totally going down.

I ran across some just plain bizarre print ad titles that make sense when you see the add, but make no sense out of context:

1. Kayaking Jumbo Peanut: Choking
2. Ambulance – Listermint Mouthwash
3. Philips: Snakebite
4. Wolf Hot Sauce: Hand dryer
5. Hospital – Lazer Helmets
