
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ew! That was nasty. I wonder if that was sorta what happens in Total Recall towards the end when their eyes are bugging out.

Just finished reading Cormac Mccarthy's The Road. That was some grim reading but I totally liked it. I saw there's a movie out for it so I wanted to read the book first. If you've read the book, there's like scenes from the very end of the book right in those previews which is kinda weird (but I guess if you've never read it you wouldn't know.) Anyways, that's probably the most realistic take on a post-apocalyptic world I've ever experienced. I think it's a great read but jesus it's extremely bleak. I haven't read anything else by him, has anyone read No Country for Old Men? I wanna read more of this guy's stuff.