
Friday, October 09, 2009

Mad, oh shit now they all are!

Next time we throw down, you best wear your most voluminous depends, jr0n. Expect to defecate yourself in short order as my faction runs you through like Butt-ah. And this isn't going to be just any old sit and shit day-cruise, it's going to be one hell of a bowel movement. After your done, you'll be lucky if you have any bones left.

Tricks you say jr0n? Bring it. Let's see you Swing with the big boys or is that axe wound between your legs holding you back, peon?. I laugh in the face of your "Superior" trickery skills you gonad-faced baboon! You are barking up the tree of Cryxian treachery and talking to me about trickery, little chihuahua boy? There is a reason Cryx rhymes with Dyx and Tryx. The Bastard will deliver the skull-fucking of your life. Bet on it jr0n Simpleton.

And where is that quivering mound of femininity, Ja -El. Did I scare your little shitburger chops out of the forest? Wake up, we cross swords next weekend, be prepared. Incompetence will not be tolerated. You better bring some sawdust stuffed in that overambitious, underutilized grape-smuggling jockstrap of yours, Pant-wetting is assured on your part. Suck it Trebek!
