
Thursday, October 29, 2009

I Torchlight yo house!

Torchlight - Action RPG. This game is pretty fun and runs well on my shitty old computer, so a heads up to you Diablo fans. It's from the people who made Diablo 1 and 2. They were Blizzard North for awhile then it got disbanded and they made a couple more games. This one is only $20 bucks and it's a really fun loot and click-fest. I got it through Steam, you can get it there or from their own site. Only single-player, but their next project will be an MMORPG in this Diablo-esque style that will be free to play. Here's a few mins of the Giant Bomb dudes playing it so you can see what it's all about.
Quick Look!
I think it's worth checking out!

PS: Jon, tonight I'd be down for some Borderlands if you're around - I don't gotta work tomorrow and I friggen played race-car games all night so need a break from that. Do it!