
Monday, September 28, 2009

That was definitely a fun day. Gotta like any game where one side is drunk by turn two. Your tactical advice re: crotch shots was most appreciated, although I'm afraid nothing can help me win with that particular warcaster. I'm retiring her to a career playing Warmachine Beach Volleyball. Showin' off that rack. High five.

Also, seriously, between the three of us we have an extreme shitload of different stuff. You'd never have to buy anything. Or, there certainly is enough for some extensive try before you buy. When you factor in that I have Aeryk's gorgeous Khador miniatures (some airbrushed!), we've got all the factions represented (except the elves). I doubt he'd mind if you took 'em for a spin, especially if you called them the Khadoran Khombat Khommanders.