
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

I was thinking about trying out the free to play myself, so I'm down to be like a dungeon dragon online. Probably won't get much of a chance to play until after mancon so use the next few days to learn all the tricks and show me the ropez and sweet hax dude! I hereby declare us... Guild 1821!

WoW is a constant temptation for me. Only by constantly buying games in other media (xbox 360, warmachine, space hulk 3rd edition) am I able to avoid its horrific grasp. I got Borst up to something like 73rd level before I crapped out last time. Other than that my next highest level character is pretty low, either a warrior or shaman somewhere in the 20s I think. I got a Druid somewhere up in the high teens but then couldn't figure out where in magical druid land to find my fucking manatee form and quit.

I will definitely be buying the new expansion next year. They are redoing most of the zones so that the entire 1-60 experience is different. That's the best thing they can do for the game since the new starting zones and the 61+ stuff are head and shoulders above the original zones.