
Monday, August 10, 2009

Potty training, sounds fun! Ugh.

Well, we can throw down anytime you have the time and energy for it. Just let me know.

Since it sounds like you're ridiculously busy these days, so I propose the following adjustment to ManCon '09. It will consist of me and Enron driving by your house at 10 mph. We will blow the horn one time, like a really short half-honk, and you'll look out the window and wave. We'll wave back and then return to SF.

Anyone (by which I guess I mean Eric, since I think we're the only fans) checked out season 2 of flight of the conchords yet? I'm working my way through the set. The first episode was a dud, but it gets pretty much back to normal hilarity after that. I can't get Too Many Dicks out of my head, for example.