
Thursday, August 27, 2009


I love driving Jeeps about town. They are surprisingly maneuverable (short wheel base) bouncy and lovely in the summer with the top down and doors off. They are a drag at highway speeds though. Oh and yes the gas mileage is absolutely atrocious. My father's mid-90s YJ commonly got 13 miles a gallon. Worse than his Grand Cherokee that weighed 25% more and had 50% more cubic displacement. Amazing. Even the 2009 models only get 15/19 per the new EPA measurements. Booo, because I like the vehicles. They are built like tanks, geared for the off road and suffer accordingly.

The smart cars look scary on the road. It just looks like they would get crushed by an SUV. I did see the video of one test running a Smart car at 70 head on into a concrete barrier. The vehicle was ruined; however, the driver's space didn't get crushed. Assuming no spinal injury would have occurred from the deceleration and whiplash, the driver would have survived.
