
Saturday, July 11, 2009


ruin all giani's entertainments

That's my new motto.

Just txt me when you want to play eric, I'm not gonna mess with skype until games are actually setup and about to go down. I'm free today till around 3 then I'm gone for the night. Sunday I'm around after the morning I think. During the week, 10pm-ish.

I got some discount msbux so going on a buying spree. I got Battlefield 1943 which is basically just multiplayer BF42 greatest-hits but redone in the Bad Company engine (destructible buildings, etc.) It's fun! Retails for $15, my skullduggery means I probably paid 10 or something. Dumb-shooter fun.

Next week is starts a string of rad looking games plus the remake of Monkey Island which I'll probably get. Jon, hows the new game? I'm thinking about getting it. The Sam n Max's were cool but I didn't LOVE them. Didn't hate 'em either.