
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Johnny prolly ruined my sweatshop onlinekeys business with his bad mouthing, thanks jerk. Yeah, I saw the original thread where this had come up and it was "I work for gamesworkshorp and yo this shit is fucked up we gonna banz u guyz!" Like literally, all fake and janky sounding (like real GW employees at old cons) and then some other guy saying "I run keysite and this is legit forward me 80,000,000 gils- Mayasian Prince." SO, shady all around. Let's see if they block dudes, I know a lot that got keys that way.

The DS version is cool - the touch controls are a little rough and being stuck to that 3/4 perspective is kind of a drag (There's zoom with the bumpers at least). On the other hand, the presentation is really nice, almost better than the PC version as far as tutorials/UI/load-times/in-game manual, etc. It's totally BB on your DS. When I backed up my copy, it was small zipped like 11-20 megs. To test my backups, the only computer emu that's been reliable was "no$gba" but now I don't really need to check, so dunno.

One AWESOME DS game I'm playing and loving right now though is SMT:Devil Survivor. It's interesting and fun! I never played the Persona games or really anything in the SMT brand, but so far it's really drawering me in.