
Friday, July 17, 2009

I'll Rage Quit You So Good

This is gonna be the most extreme rage quit of all time. I'm talking crying, tantrums... make sure you record that shit for Kovox 3.

Anyway, my original plans for the weekend are not possible because of some car problems, but the upside is I should be around either Saturday or Sunday day/night to get in whatever part of a game I decide to play.

Saw the new Harry Potter tonight. I liked it OK but my gf was more bothered by the differences between the movie and the books than she has been for any of the previous ones. I think all these movies are something I don't really go in expecting to enjoy that much, I kinda just see 'em cause I want to see the whole series by this point. I thought the new trailer for Sherlock Holmes was surprisingly good and actually want to see it. Robert Downey Jr has come a long way. I would never have believed five years ago that I would willingly pay movie for one of his movies.

A guy in my game group (Josh) is fired up to run 4th ed D&D, so I'm making a character. Yay, I get to play! My character is a dual axe-wielding dwarf ranger named Thorr.