
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Blood Bowl Detour

Wasn't able to get in a game against Aeryk tonight because the board game version of my game group's Blood Bowl league started up tonight. My Amazon team, Venerea Gloria! is off to an OK start, 1-1 tie against the dwarves, which I actually feel OK about because most of the dwarf team has tackle, which utterly negates my main ability (Dodge). Long version...

I did all right and came really close to winning. The game started off with a fight at kickoff which lasted 3 whole turns. After that the game was off to a proper start. Jordan created an effective defense for a couple turns but then inadvertantly left a nice fat gap in the middle which I was able to exploit. I ran up and my blitzer Chlamydia managed a TD two turns later. Jordan had two turns left in the half to beat up some Amazons, whcih he did with great joy. At the half, I had four playrs knocked out cold and none recovered, leaving me with eight players in the second half.

Despite this I ALMOST managed to score in the second half as well, knocking down his runner while he was well upfield, and knocking the ball into the crowd, which was then thrown into the middle and being picked up by his other runner, who I also knocked down the next turn. The ball subsequently and bizarrely bounced around between four or five people before finally coming to rest on turf. Chlamydia then managed to grab the ball and throw it to a linewoman standing right by the scoring zone... but the throw missed! Even with a re-roll!

After that Jordan was able to recover and build a brick that moved down the field, scoring at the top of turn 8 despite an amazing last-ditch run attempt by my catcher (she made 5 dodge rolls, only to fall right at the feet of the ball carrier). We had one turn to vindictively beat on the dwarves, to no avail. In fact, the last event of the game was one of the linewomen falling on her face.

MVP: Chlamydia!